Bathroom Remodel 101: Everything to Know Before Starting a Bathroom Remodel

Legacy Roofing & Restoration

Home / Remodeling / Bathroom Remodel 101: Everything to Know Before Starting a Bathroom Remodel

If you’re considering a bathroom remodeling project, there’s plenty of things you need to know, evaluate, and plan for before you even get started.

This information will make the process more transparent, so you can expect some of the issues and processes you’ll go through during the remodel.

Always research the project in its entirety before you begin, and be sure to think about these points of interest and any other specific to your home or project. The more prepared and knowledgeable you are, the better the outcome and the easier the process is until completion.

What to Know Before Starting

So, what’s the number one thing to know before getting started? Nothing goes exactly as you plan.

There are likely going to be surprises, setbacks, mishaps, and overspending during the process of remodeling your bathroom.

Add to the mix delays with materials, slowdowns due to weather, and contractor issues, and you have a recipe for stress and anxiety if you’re not prepared for these things in advance.

What’s the main takeaway here? Be ready for anything and don’t get over-stressed when the unexpected happens – because it usually will.

You’ll also want to set a lenient time frame for the completion date. You can’t always foresee issues related to weather, problems with the walls and plumbing, or delays with supplies and labor.

Setting a Budget

The first thing you want to do once you come to terms with the magnitude of this project is to set a budget. You’ll want to set aside approximately $10k to $15k for an average bathroom and upwards of $25k for a luxury master bathroom.

Keep in mind; however, this is only an estimate for a traditional suburban-style home, and the price can vary significantly from city to city. You also need to consider the size of the bathroom and the fixtures you plan to add to the bathroom.

When you set a budget, you’ll also want to leave room for any extra costs. In most cases, the project has unforeseen issues and expenses that drive the price up. Very rarely does a remodel stick to a budget.

What Is All Included in the Cost?

You’ll not only need to budget for the materials, but you’ll need to budget for the contractors, inspections, and permits.

The materials are only about half the cost of the project. If you plan to add luxury materials such as marble and stone, you’ll need to tack on several thousand more depending on the type of material and the place you purchase the material.

Some luxury surfaces need to be imported and cost much more than the items in your area. You’ll also need to wait for the material to arrive, which can delay the finishing date.

An example would be a shower renovation. If you use top-quality materials for your shower, you’re tacking on an additional $700 to $5,000 for a standard shower stall and up to $15k for a luxury master bathroom shower stall.

The best way to know your cost range may be to get an estimate for labor and decide which features you want and add in the cost of the supplies, then add in some extra money for wiggle room.

Types of Bathroom Renovations

There are different types and sizes of bathrooms, and that is the majority of the determining factor for price and the time frame to complete the project. Consider the details about the following types of bathrooms.

Small Bathroom Remodel

If you have a small bathroom and go with essential appliances you find at your local retailer, you might only spend a few thousand dollars on the entire process.

If you’re on a budget, be sure to give yourself some wiggle room of $1,000 to $2,000 to avoid issues and delays. This type of remodeling project may be completed in a week, depending on the workers’ speed and availability of supplies.

Large Bathroom Remodel

If you have a large bathroom and use essential appliances, you can expect to spend $5,000 and up. This project may take a few weeks with luck.

Try to do this project when the weather is favorable, and try to make sure you have as many of the supplies you need on-site for the best results.

Master Bath Remodel

A large master bath remodel will take a few weeks and cost anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000 or more, depending on the materials, size of the bathroom, and area your house is located.

You’ll want to do some extra planning and budgeting for this remodeling project and check with several contractors to get the best price and results.

Partial Bathroom

A partial bathroom or a half-bath is the easiest remodel of all. You commonly find these next to garages, guest houses, pools, and kid’s rooms. You can do this project for under $1000 if you use essential appliances and even DIY.

Bathroom Remodel Design

If you’re great with design, you might consider designing the bathroom yourself; however, you may want to hire a professional designer for the best results. They can also be on-site to help guide the process and avoid problems and mistakes.

Bathroom Remodel Ideas

If you’re planning to remodel to update, consider using neutral or gray tones, which are popular right now.

Some individuals like to bring in some warmth with touches of darker wood cabinets and vanities. Avoid busy colors that clash or use more than a few colors. Having an accent wall is a great way to add color without going overboard.

When to Hire and When to DIY

If you have previous experience with a hands-on remodeling project or will work with someone who does, you may be able to DIY; however, you’ll want to hire a contractor if it’s a large complex project.

Bathroom Remodeling Contractors—What to Know and Lookout For

First, make sure the bathroom remodeling contractor is licensed and insured before moving forward with the project. Check with the state licensing board first. You’ll also want to see some examples of completed work, and you’ll want to get references.

Be sure to get a quote from them and then ask them if there are any extra fees such as labor fees, materials, overtime, and permits that would increase the project’s cost. You’ll also want to make sure they consult with you before any price increases and get it in writing.

Ask the contractor for a timeline on the work completed and where they source materials, and how long it takes to order materials you want.

Read Reviews Online

A final note and recommendation before you hire a contractor. Be sure to read the customer reviews for the company first.

They will give you a good idea of the level of satisfaction of past customers. You’ll also know to look for specific issues, and it may help you avoid disaster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still aren’t sure about your bathroom remodel idea? Or maybe you have a question? Check out our F.A.Q. on bathroom remodeling below.

How Long Does It Take to Remodel a Bathroom?

Keep in mind that the average bathroom remodel takes a month but can last much longer if the weather is terrible, the contractor is short-handed, or the materials and supplies are delayed. In many cases, the shipping times affect the project time frame.

Do You Need Permits to Remodel a Bathroom?

You’ll need the appropriate permits to remodel your bathroom.

You can have a contractor file for them, or you can do it yourself by going to your local building or planning department.

They can cost a few hundred dollars depending on where you live and the policies in the area.

Bathroom Remodeling For You

If you need to remodel our bathroom and want a qualified, professional team to help you out, contact us today.

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